Businesses Start Here
Villiotti & Associates presents Businesses Start Here where we will talk to business owners about their experiences and experts in specific aspects of business you need to know to make your business a success no matter how you define it. Our goal is to educate, encourage, and inspire you to start your business or continue down your path as an entrepreneur.
Businesses Start Here
Kison Patel
June 06, 2022
Season 2
Episode 3
In today's episode we interview Kison Patel.
He is the Founder and CEO of DealRoom, a project management software for complex financial transactions. In addition to that, he is also the Founder and CEO of Agile M&A, Founder of M&A Science - a community of forward-thinking M&A practitioners on a mission to perfect the M&A practice.
Kison is also the host of the M&A Science podcast, an educational podcast exploring the intricate world of M&A with industry leaders and practitioners.
He helps men and women, the general public, or people looking for career paths and may consider a career in M&A.