Businesses Start Here
Villiotti & Associates presents Businesses Start Here where we will talk to business owners about their experiences and experts in specific aspects of business you need to know to make your business a success no matter how you define it. Our goal is to educate, encourage, and inspire you to start your business or continue down your path as an entrepreneur.
Businesses Start Here
Chaz Jannuzi
September 20, 2021
Season 1
Episode 11
When Chaz and his co founder each separately lost a former football teammate to a drug overdose, they decided they needed to do something about solving this problem. Their solution is to give doctors another avenue to help patients manage pain that doesn't involve pills. As they become more familiar with the pain management industry Chaz and his partner have created multiple businesses as well as a non profit to help those who are addicted to drugs.
Be sure to watch this vide to hear Chaz's passion for helping!